Art Culture, History

Linge! Bersatulah Gayo

Oleh: Alfazri*

Ada yang terasa janggal dalam kehidupan masyarakat Gayo, bila mereka tidak mengerti siapa diri mereka sebenarnya. Siapa dan bagaimana perjuangan kerajaan Linge, sebuah kerajaan berada di dalam lingkaran hutan yang melahirkan kerajaan terkemuka di Aceh, dengan Aceh Darussalamnya.

Tanpa Linge tidak akan ada kerajaan Aceh Darussalam. Tetapi sayang, sebagian dari rakyat Gayo kurang memaknai bagaimana pendahulunya membangun kebersamaan dalam meraih sebuah karya yang gemilang.

Kiranya tidak salah, kita menggulang kaji bagaimana Linge yang telah mengukir sejarah melahirkan gerenasi tangguh. Lenge, begitu asal kata Linge. Dalam bahasa Gayo, Linge berarti  “suaranya”.

Jauh sebelum kerajaan Aceh Darussalam berdiri, Linge adalah sebuah kerajaan  yang terpisah dan berdiri sendiri. Kerajaan Linge di bawah pimpinan Adi Genali, mampu mengibarkan sayabnya dengan mengirimkan anak kandungnya, Merah Johan untuk menaklukan kerahaan Indraparta di Banda Aceh.

Kiprah dan perjuangan Merah Johan yang bergerak dari Pase, mampu menundukkan kerajaan hindu Indraparta di Lamuri, Aceh. Kemudian Merah Johan mendirikan Kerajaan Aceh Darussalam dan langsung Merah Johan menjadi raja yang pertama.

Setelah Aceh dapat ditaklukkan oleh Belanda secara dejure, Linge berubah menjadi merupakan salah satu Kejurun di Wilayah Gayo. Kejurun adalah sebuah kerajaan yang mendapat legalitas dari kesultanan Aceh pada masa itu.

Dimata masyarakat Gayo khususnya, Linge merupakan negeri Asal orang Gayo dan negeri para raja.  Keasalan Linge terungkap dalam pepatah Gayo yang tak asing lagi di telinga rakyat Gayo “Asal Linge Awal Serule.”

Linge secara wilayah dikenal dengan sebutan Gayo Deret . Setelah masa kemerdekaan, seiring dengan perputaran waktu,  Linge berubah menjadi  nama  sebuah kampung dan juga salah satu  nama kecamatan di kabupaten Aceh Tengah, dengan ibukota Isaq.

Gemerlap Linge, tidak lagi seindah pada masa jayanya kerajaan ini. Sebuah kerajaan yang telah melahirkan raja terkemuka Aceh. Kini  Kampung Linge, bagaikan ibu yang merindukan anaknya untuk kembali. Linge dibalut hutan belantara dan menjadi kawasan marginal di Gayo.

Kampung Linge memiliki tiga dusun, Kawe Tepat, Pengkudu dan Buntul dengan penduduk sekitar 100 KK (Kepala Keluarga). Mata Pencarian utama masyarakat Linge adalah bertani. Salah satu tanaman khas disana adalah kemili (dalam bahasa Indonesia disebut kemiri) sebagai sumber mata pencarian selain bersawah.

Selain pertanian, masyarakat Linge juga dikenal sebagai peternak hewan, khususnya kerbau. Menurut beberapa sumber yang sempat penulis temui, mengaku, bahwa sebagian ternak itu ada juga milik orang-orang kaya di Takengon dengan sistem bagi hasil.

Wajar bila masyarakat Linge masih miskin, karena mereka mayoitas sebagai peternak kerbau, dan sang pemilik yang berada di Kota Takengen, hanya sesekali datang mengambil bagian dari saham yang ditanamkannya di Bumi Linge.

Segi bahasa, masyoritas masyarakat Linge, dialek bahasanya, lebih kental dengan dialek Gayo Deret/Linge. Perbedaan dialek ini tidak menyebabkan masyarakat Gayo sulit dalam berkomunikasi. Perbedaan dialek antara Gayo Deret/ Linge dengan dialek Lut (wilayah Kabupaten Bener Meriah dan sebagian Aceh Tengah), Belang/Lues (Wilayah Kabupaten Gayo Lues)  serta Lukup/Lokop Aceh Timur dan Kalul  Aceh Tamiang, hanya lima persen saja.

Mayoritas Bahasa Gayo itu seragam dan menunjukkan identitas kedaerah masing-masing. Perbedaan bahasa dari lima wilayah Gayo ini , tanpa disadari telah  menambah kasanah dan kekayaan kata dalam bahasa Gayo itu sendiri.

Memiliki tofografi berbukit (delapan puluh persen wilayahnya ditumbuhi pinus merkusi), Linge menjadi wilayah yang special dan unik. Karena, walau daerah berbukit, namun kondisi di Linge tidaklah sedingin daerah Gayo (Takengon dan Bener Meriah).

Keunikan lainnya, banyak tanaman yang tidak dapat hidup di Dataran Tinggi Gayo, justru disini banyak ditemui tanaman-tanaman yang umumnya hidup di daerah pesisir. Salah satunya adalah pohon kelapa. Di Linge, jenis tanaman ini dapat tumbuh dengan baik dan berbuah, karena daerah ini memiliki dataran rendah dan berhawa panas seperti layaknya kawasan aceh pesisir pada umumnya.

Kondisi ini memang tidak dapat disalahkan. Karena, dari 8000 jiwa penduduk  Kecamatan Linge (Data 2010), tingkat pendidikan masyarakat disana masih sangat rendah. Bukan hanya itu, kondisi alam yang tidak terlalu subur. Sehingga membuat sebagian besar masyarakat Linge masih berada dalam garis kemiskinan.

Hal ini semakin diperparah dengan berbagai masalah umum lainnya, seperti minimnya sarana dan prasarana yang harusnya diperoleh oleh masyarakat disana. Semuanya berbanding lurus dengan kondisi jalan yang belum beraspal, akses daerah yang sulit ditempuh, jarak yang jauh dari ibukota Takengon, termasuk kurangnya perhatian Pemerintah Aceh Tengah, membuat semuanya menjadi “babak belur”. Kehidupan di Linge adalah kehidupan kaum marjinal yang seharusnya tidak perlu terjadi, andaikata pemerintah lebih peduli.

Meski orang Gayo pada umumnya percaya Linge sebagai negeri asal orang Gayo berdasarkan Kekeberen (tradisi lisan), namun Negeri Linge masih menyimpan segudang misteri dan pertanyaan. Mengapa daerah Linge begitu terbelakang dalam segala bidang. Jika memang benar Linge sebuah sejarah panjang Gayo, mengapa saat ini mereka seperti “kelompok” marjinal yang tak layak diperhatikan?

Linge seperti dianaktirikan di negeri sendiri. Tidak salah bila Linge merindukan anaknya yang hilang yang telah melahirkan kerajaan terkemuka di Aceh, sebuah kerajaan yang megah di Asia Tenggara, Kerajaan Aceh Darussalam.

Tanpa terasa, penulis sempat menitikan air mata, ketika melihat Umah Pitu Ruang di Linge, yang sepi ditemani nyanyian alam. Subhanallah, Linge namamu yang megah, kini menjadi hiasan sejarah. Persatuan dan kesatuan yang sudah dibangun oleh pendahulu di kerajaan ini, khususnya buat Gayo, kini mulai tercerai berai, semuanya berebut kepentingan.

Asal  Linge, awal Serule masih tergiang di indra penulis. Inilah Gayo, sebuah negeri yang terlupakan dan dilupakan. Sebuah kerajaan yang dibangun dengan taruhan nyawa, kini sepi diantara desauan pinus.

Perlahan penulis meletakaan tapak tangan di bumi Linge ini, sebuah kata lirih terucap” muyang datuku, maafen kami. Doanen kami, nume kami lupenen negeri Linge. Ledi silep kami. (Moyang leluhurku, maafkan kami. Doakan kami, bukan kami lupakan negeri Linge. Banyak sekali salah kami.)

Linge yang telah menyatukan urang Gayo dalam mendirikan kerajaan Aceh Darussalam, kini tinggal pusara-pusara pejuang di dalam semak belukar.

*Peminat Sejarah dan Budaya Gayo

Tulisan ini pernah dimuat di situs online on Thursday, 10 October 2013



Lima Jam Bersama TVRI Banda Aceh

Oleh: Alfazri*


Sabtu Sore,  jam ditangan menunjukkan pukul 14:20 WIB, team Lintas Gayo (LG) akan melakukan perjananan menuju Bur Gayo. Sebuah tempat untuk berekreasi di Takengon, Aceh Tengah.

Perjalanan  kali ini,ditemani oleh kru TVRI Banda Aceh.  Mereka adalah Ibrahim, Safril, Natanil, Yumadi, dan Romi Juliansyah. Tujuan perjalanan ini adalah untuk pengambilan gambar program acara Pelangi Nusantara yang akan disiarkan oleh TVRI Nasional.

Selain itu, ikut serta bersama kami tiga orang siswa dari SMA Negeri 1 Takengon. Mereka akan menjadi pengisi kegiatan Pelangi Nusantara TVRI dengan melantunkan  lagu Gayo. Mereka, Rima Arami (Vokal), Zaki Fuadi (Rapai) dan Rudi Pratama (Gitar).

Mengendarai dua mobil, kami bergerak dari Batas Kota Café (BK) menuju Atu Tingok atau yang lebih dikenal dengan Bur Gayo.

Memasuki wilayah Bur Gayo dari kampung Asir–asir, perjalanan mulai terasa tidak nyaman. Mengapa tidak, jalan beraspal menuju Bur begitu sempit dan menanjak. Belum lagi lubang yang memenuhi jalan, membuat semua pengendara, khususnya roda empat, harus berhati-hati jika berhadapan dengan pengendara lain dari arah berlawanan. Continue reading “Lima Jam Bersama TVRI Banda Aceh”

Art Culture, General


Didong The Traditional Art of Gayo

Didong The Traditional Art of Gayo
Didong The Traditional Art of Gayo

Communities in Aceh Tengah Gayo live in the mountains or plateaus. They still preserve the artistic culture of one nation is Didong. Didong is a traditional art that is very popular and desired by Gayo society. The artist was called with the title-ceh ceh Didong. There are several names Didong famous players, including Lakiki CEH, CEH To’et, Daman CEH, CEH Ibrahim Kadir, Lakiki Ujang CEH, CEH Ucak, Seven CEH, CEH Session Temas Idris, and CEH Abd Rauf.

Didong a performance art done by the men in groups (usually numbering 15 people), with free expression, as he sat cross-legged or standing, stamping his feet. They recite verses Gayo language with melodious voice, while manabuh drum, pillow or saucepan and clapped as varied, so that the sound and motion create a beautiful and interesting.
B. Privileges
Traditional performing arts that became the pride of Gayo society is able to survive today in the midst of technological developments and the influence of westernization. People do not get enough of watching ceh-ceh Didong berdidong in almost every night the week. Was done to show the whole night (from evening until dawn).

Poems are recited by the power of fusion art configuration of motion, literature and sound like “voodoo” the audience to “drift” and continue to listen to the social and religious reflection Continue reading “Didong”



august 29 2009

ETHNONYMS: Gayo, Gajo, urang Gayó, Gayonese


Identification. The Gayo live predominantly in the central highlands of Aceh Province in Sumatra, Indonesia, and are Sunni Muslims. Gayo refer to themselves as “Urang Gayo,” meaning “Gayo people,” primarily on grounds of command of basa Gayo, the Gayo language.

Gayonese Groom with neck and head jewelry./6470
Gayonese Bridegroom and bride with neck and head jewelry./6470

Location. The Gayo homeland lies across the Bukit Barisan Range in Aceh Province, between 40 and 5° N and 96° and 980 E. The range divides the homeland into four plateaus, each with a river system along which Gayo have settled. The largest concentration of settlement is the town of Takengen (Takengon) by Lake Lat tawar. The area gradually declines in elevation from about 1,500 meters in the north to  about 500 meters in the south. Northeast trade winds bring heavy rains in a four-month period between October and  March; the southeast trades can bring a lighter rainfall between April and September.

Demography. The 1980 population of the district of Central Aceh was 163,339, of which about 140,000 were Gayo speakers. In the 1980s about 45,000 Gayo resided in other districts in the Aceh highlands and about 25,000 lived elsewhere in Indonesia, giving a total population of about 210,000 Gayo.

Linguistic Affiliation. The Gayo language belongs to the Western Indonesian Branch of the Austronesian Family and lexically is most closely related to the Batak Subfamily. The presence of Mon-Khmer loanwords suggests early coastal contacts with some Mon-Khmer-language-speaking societies.  The earliest known writing in Gayo used the Jawi script (Arabic letters) but since the 1950s most Gayo have used standard Indonesian orthography. By the 1980s most Gayo had at least minimal competence in the Indonesian language.

History and Cultural Relations

Substantial written references to the Gayo only begin in the late nineteenth century. It is likely, however, that the Gayo homeland belonged to the Islamic kingdom of Aceh in the seventeenth century and that Islamization of the area had begun by that time. At the outbreak of the Aceh-Dutch war
in 1873, Gayo possessed a strong sense of ethnic distinctiveness but recognized a nominal Acehnese suzerainty. Some Gayo continued to resist the Dutch after the invasion of the highlands in 1904. During Dutch occupation (1904-1942) Gayo developed a thriving cash-crop economy in vegetables and coffee, attained a relatively high level of basic education,
and participated in the movements of Islamic modernism and Indonesian nationalism. Gayo fought to maintain Continue reading “GAYO”

Folk Tales

Malem Dewa

Malim Dewa

M.J. Melalatoa
Translated by Krishna

The Pesangan river winded through the forest like a giant snake. The closer you got to its source the clearer blue its water and thicker the forest around it. Malim Dewa was walking up towards the top of the river. He walked alone, accompanied only by a beautiful dream. In his hand was a lock of hair as large as a duck’s egg. He had been twisting and curling it around his fingers as he walked and he had been walking for days. His heart had been captured by the vision of a woman’s beautiful face, the one whose lock of hair he held in his palm. The beautiful dream made him walk on with spirit despite physical tiredness. The long way he had traversed had been full of problems. He had to crawl through thorny woods, walk over fallen trees that were slippery with moss grown all over them, cross a gaping gorge On the other hand, the song of wild birds brought joy to his soul, the soft breeze whistling though the trees made his journey pleasant. Somewhere from the edge of his imagination, a beautiful face smiled out at him. He was exhausted, he sat down for a rest. His mind was too tired to think of which way he should go. He’d take the road to the right, he thought, they say the way to the right brings success. He got up and started walking again. His mind travelled back to those twinkling eyes. Oh …, I’m getting closer to her, closer to the maiden who has no match on this earth. But his feet were tired. So he sat down again in the shade of a tree. He watched the dancing ripples on the river. From the bag that lay beside him, he took out a flute. He began to play a soft romantic tune on it. Its sweet high notes rose over the trees and pierced the sky. His spirits rose with the music. If only she could hear this music of my soul. Oh …, I hope she can hear it, I hope she can! But perhaps it’s still too vague and distant a music for her ears. I must get closer to her, close enough that she may be drawn to my music. Malim Dewa rose. He hung his bag across his shoulder and started walking. He seemed more lively and more sure of himself. He walked through the day and slept under thé trees at night. One morning when it was still very early, he heard a cock crow.

To start with, he thought that this was only to announce the dawn. He rose, rubbing his eyes. He listened attentively, with his head cocked to one side. His heart jumped in joy. He was close to village, he thought. The cock crowing on and on from the midst of solitude seemed to Malim Dewa to be singing a welcome song for him. It woke him up completely. He was still swinging between excitement and distress, while the dawn approached from behind the eastern-hills.

Malim Dewa walked slowly, watching the dawn as it spread out on the leaves of trees. He felt the forest was getting thinner. The early morning grey and pink began to brighten, spreading light all over the earth. Birds were noisily setting out in sear»»’ of food. Malim Dewa enjoyed the life and beauty around him. He was eager to find the village from which cocks had been calling out. He looked around, but could see nothing. The south was walled by hills. In the east distant grey hills lined the horizon. It was à cold day. The breeze bit into the bones. Malim Dewa was walking slowly, stiff in the joints, when suddenly he heard the sound of laughter. He listened intently. Some people were laughing—women! Although they were still quite far away, Malim Dewa now moved with the careful passion of a cat chasing a mouse. His heart beat fast, his breath was slow like that of a very frightened man. It was as if he was afraid that those women would hear him breathing. Hiding himself behind the bushes, Malim Dewa observed a beautiful panorama. The river widened there and the water was calm. In the middle of it stood a rock. It was like a huge dough-nut sticking out of the water. Malim Dewa sat spellbound, looking at seven naked figures of pure gold. They were bathing and playing around like children.

Malim Dewa sat ready in his heading place
Malim Dewa sat ready in his heading place

One of them squirted water on another’s face. Another pulled the legs of the girl who was lying on the rock, thus dragging her into the water and she screamed as she slipped in. One girl sat on the rock washing her hair. The tips of her long tresses were swept by the river. Watching the water playing among those long locks, Malim Dewa remembered the Continue reading “Malem Dewa”